What Exactly Does ABQ Mean? You’re About to Find Out!

(Last Updated On: July 12, 2023)

What Exactly does ABQ Mean? In the image below, you will see the principal terms used to define ABQ. If you’d like, you can download the image to print or send it to a friend through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, etc. To find all the meanings of ABQ, Please scroll down. The complete list of definitions can be found in the following table in alphabetical order.







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What are some fun things that you could do while in Albuquerque?

Based on Fodor’s report, the most popular attractions in Albuquerque include exploring Albuquerque Convention Center, the Albuquerque Convention Center and strolling in Old Town, admiring the water features in Water Utility Park, and exploring El Vado Lake. Albuquerque also has an active art scene that is an attraction that is popular with people interested in the field.

To list every available activity, however, these questions should be used as a reference to help people make the most of their time off.

What is ABQ referred to in the text:

The word “ABQ” is an acronym for “Albuquerque.” It is commonly used as a shorthand term to refer to the city. It can be seen in chat rooms, text messages, online rooms, and other informal communication.

While it’s not a word that is officially recognized, “ABQ” has been added to the online version of the Oxford English Dictionary. It is “an abbreviation of Albuquerque, New Mexico.”

Albuquerque is one of the cities in the central region of New Mexico, with over 550,000 inhabitants. It is the biggest municipality in the State and is famous for its unique design and geography. It hosts several famous universities and cultural establishments.

ABQ was also the title of a top-rated TV show filmed in Albuquerque, which aired from 2006 until 2009. The cable channel Bravo created the show and centered around the professional and personal lives of several young people living in Albuquerque.

Albuquerque is a unique and fascinating city which is why “ABQ” is convenient. When you’re talking with your friends on the internet or texting anyone from Albuquerque, using “ABQ” is a quick and simple way to let them know what you’re talking about.

What exactly is ABQ mean? Marias:

The phrase “ABQ” can also refer to the Marias River, which is essential within north-central New Mexico. The Marias River is over 200 miles long and runs across Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and Las Vegas. It is a popular spot for hiking, fishing, and camping. It is a crucial water source for the people and businesses of the region.

Marias River Marias River is named after the Marias Pueblo, a Native American village near its river’s mouth. The town was destroyed by floods in 1864, and most of its inhabitants were killed or forced to relocate. Its Marias River Marias River has been featured in numerous films and TV shows, such as Saw III and Breaking Bad.

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Major Meanings of ABQ

If you’re a webmaster for a non-commercial site, Please feel free to display images of ABQ Definitions on your site. The image below outlines the most frequently used definitions of ABQ. It is possible to download the PNG format for offline use or send it to friends via email.

All Definitions of ABQ

As mentioned above, you can find the various definitions for ABQ in the table below. It is important to note that the definitions are presented in alphabetical order. You can click on the links on the right to access more details about each definition, which includes definitions in English and your native language.

ABQ= Associacao Brasileira de Quimica

ABQ= Association des Brasseurs du Quebec

ABQ= Association des Biologistes du Quebec

ABQ= Association des Bibliothecaires du Quebec

ABQ= Army Brass Quintet

ABQ= American Builders Quarterly

ABQ= American Brass Quintet

ABQ= Always Be Questioning

ABQ= Albuquerque, NM, USA – Albuquerque International Airport

ABQ= Alban Berg Quartet

ABQ= A Better Quality

What is ABQ mean in the text?

This page shows how ABQ is utilized in chat and messaging forums and chat forums, as well as in social networking applications such as VK, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Snapchat. From the table above, you can look up all possible meanings of ABQ. Some are academic terms, while others are medical terms and computer terms. In short, ABQ is an acronym or abbreviation term that can be explained in plain English.

If you know a different definition of ABQ, please get in touch with us. We’ll add it in our next database update. Please note that our users created specific acronyms and their definitions.

We translate the acronym ABQ into Spanish, French, Chinese, Portuguese, Russian, etc. So, any suggestion for new acronyms is very appreciated! You can scroll further down and then click on the menu for languages to search for meanings for ABQ in different languages.